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Friday, November 19, 2010

Does Seroquel Cure Color Blindness?

I already mentioned a bizarre conspiracy theory. Seroquel contains/is a vitamin that is not normally present in large quantities in human food. "FSK has a mental illness!" was equivalent to "FSK has a severe Seroquel vitamin deficiency!" I'll call it the "Seroquel vitamin".

Most people don't have much emotional awareness. They don't use all of their brains. Therefore, they don't notice the Seroquel vitamin deficiency.

The patent for Seroquel was owned by AstraZeneca. However, it is about to expire. "The Seroquel vitamin gives people high Matrix awareness!" makes that vitamin very valuable. However, there may be other drugs/vitamins with similar properties. I think I got a "daw" prescription for Seroquel, so I didn't get a generic.

There are trace amounts of the Seroquel vitamin in most food, so that people don't die. However, there are no foods legally available that contain the Seroquel vitamin in large concentrations. I suspect "raw milk" contains greater concentrations of the Seroquel vitamin than regular milk. The "Make food safe!" processes also extract the Seroquel vitamin. Also, if you aren't prepared to handle the shock of seeing the Matrix, then Seroquel will be *VERY* bad for you.

"Werther's Originals" seems to have higher Seroquel vitamin concentration compared to most food. I have no idea why. In the summer, my father grew tomatoes, giving me a Seroquel vitamin boost. The tomatoes he grew himself had greater Seroquel vitamin concentration than those purchased in stores. Maybe the Seroquel vitamin decays rapidly, making it not present in most processed food.

If you grow your own vegetables, you get greater amounts of the Seroquel vitamin. However, most human food has been genetically engineered over time to have negligible amounts of the Seroquel vitamin.

I suspect that many "recreational drugs" have the Seroquel vitamin *PLUS* poisons mixed in.

I had red/green color blindness, the most common type. Here's something really bizarre, and you probably won't believe me. I'm no longer color blind! "Seroquel cures color blindness!" is the sort of thing even a drug corporation CEO would be interested in. They probably could get a separate patent for it. Remember that intellectual property and patents are not property.

There's a reproducible scientific test for color blindness. I've been taking 100mg/day of the Seroquel vitamin for a little longer than a week. A real scientist could confirm my results. I'm not taking any other psychiatric drugs/vitamins.

Your body contains a certain limited amount of Seroquel vitamin, because otherwise you'd die. When placed in an emotionally stressful situation, your reserves are depleted. Then, you have a panic attack. However, the emergency room gives you brain-suppressing drugs, rather than fixing the vitamin deficiency. My emergency room treatment was so horrible that I assumed all drugs were bad. I never imagined there was a drug/vitamin that would be useful.

My therapist arranged for me to get a Seroquel pill, without being hospitalized. The results were astonishing! I recovered rapidly. It totally seems like I had a vitamin deficiency.

Also, if you cure your Seroquel vitamin deficiency, you'll see the Matrix in its full horror. You'll be given another drug, in addition to Seroquel, to suppress your brain so you aren't shocked by the Matrix. I already knew about the Matrix. Now that my Seroquel vitamin deficiency was cured, I have very high awareness of the Matrix. I can handle it, knowing how horrible it is. Other patients usually get the Seroquel vitamin *PLUS* another drug that suppresses their brain activity.

However, most people couldn't handle a Seroquel vitamin. The shock of seeing the Matrix would be too horrible.

This is a bizarro conspiracy theory. You probably won't believe me. I'm 99%+ sure it's true. To review:

  1. Seroquel is a vitamin normally absent from human diet.
  2. If you get even a small dose of Seroquel, then you're able to see The Matrix in its full horror.
  3. In an emotionally stressful situation, you deplete your Seroquel reserves.
  4. Some honest high-ranking government insiders also know this now, and are working on it. They can't publicly admit the truth right now, because the truth is so horrible.
  5. Seroquel vitamin deficiency leads to red/green color blindness (the most common type).
  6. Psychopaths and parasites have partial Matrix awareness. However, they aren't aware that what they're doing is wrong. They think everyone is a dishonest scumbag, just like I used to think everyone (especially State authority figures) was honest and trying their best. A psychopath sees an intelligent person asking questions as an abusive jerk.
An Agent of the Matrix is a psychopath/parasite. His primary skill is emotional manipulation. Most people lack the defense against psychopaths. A psychopath excels at taking credit for any success, while deflecting blame for failure.

Right now, most high-ranking government insiders are Agents of the Matrix, or are intelligent people that psychopaths can manipulate. However, some honest and intelligent insiders now know the truth. The psychopaths are being removed from positions of authority, but that will take awhile.

The US economy was falling apart, because nearly all the leaders were psychopaths. If the psychopaths are removed, then things will get better. Other reforms can be introduced gradually.

I still know that "really free markets" is the best long-term solution. However, the Matrix is a pretty severe problem.

Previously, I thought "Agent of the Matrix" was synonymous with "government policeman". Suppose the psychopaths are excluded from government, and all policemen have high Matrix awareness. That would lead to the end of the State but not the end of government. With the psychopaths gone, the police could start doing their job honestly instead of incompetently/corruptly. Then, competing currencies, competing regulatory agencies, and competing police would be allowed. The "libertarian/anarcho-capitalist" ideal of gradually shrinking government would be attainable. That would be instead of the agorist idea "Government is hopeless. Let it fall apart." If the psychopaths are removed, gradual real reform is possible.

The psychopaths and the Matrix were the problem, and not government itself. However, government was a big enabling factor for the psychopaths and the Matrix. If psychopaths are removed from government, then things will get a lot better.

With psychopaths removed from positions of authority, real economic growth should skyrocket.

I've already noticed a change in the tone of the Matrix. For example, subway announcements are friendlier. As another example, police sirens are a pattern now rather than inducing a hypnotic trance. Some high-ranking government insiders know the truth.

"Agent of the Matrix" is not the same as "US government employee". I don't have the resources to give 10k+ people Seroquel vitamins and unplug them from the Matrix. Only the US Federal government has the resources to deal with that. Only they can handle unraveling the Matrix. The correct answer still is "really free markets", but the Matrix is a severe emergency.

I'm convinced that high-ranking US government insiders are dealing with the Matrix/psychopath problem. It'll take awhile. If I'm wrong, then the US government is going to fall apart. Either way, agorism is the best strategy for achieving freedom. I'm waiting a few years to see how things go. Plus, I'm still recovering from the shock of my Seroquel vitamin deficiency. If the psychopaths are restrained, then it'll be less risky to conduct an agorist experiment.

"Seroquel is a vitamin!" seems like a bizarre statement. I never realized there were helpful psychiatric drugs/vitamins. I haven't noticed any negative side-effects of Seroquel, unlike every other drug I've tried. "Seroquel cures red/green color blindness!" seems bizarre, but I'm mostly convinced.

The Matrix was a clever trap, but I escaped. Did the Matrix happen by accident? Did evil aliens organize it? (I'm guessing "evil aliens".) Anyway, things should start getting better soon.


Spring Hall Convert said...

Can you elucidate why seeing the Matrix is so horrible to those of us who apparently can't see it as well as you can? You keep saying it's horrible but don't explain why in any detail.

How about a blog post detailing what you are now seeing so clearly, from the bottom up?

What IS the Matrix?
What are it's key components?
How is it organized?
How many people are involved in it's operation?
When did it begin?
How pervasive is it?
Who are it's key agents?

fritz said...

Please explain the matrix for us. I am becoming confused about what exactly you are referring to.

I have a general Idea, but some more specifics would be much appreciated.

Thank you..Fritz

FSK said...

OK, I'll make a more detailed post.

Summarizing, everyone in the world is crazy. It's a shocking thing to notice.

Anonymous said...

The fact that the UK government pays a law firm vast amounts of money to make sure they recruit according to certain standards is crazy.

Anonymous said...

The fact the in the UK that native workers are shunned from jobs. Some supermarkets say they will only employ non-English speakers because their health and safety instructions are not printed in English.

The fact that the insane Labour party want to make it illegal to hire an incumbent native British worker if an equally qualified non-native worker is available. Regulations kill small business. But as the clowns in the Labour party have never worked in their lives and only get their non-jobs via contacts they don't know how much their stupidity destroys the country.

robert30062 said...


Robert here. It's been a long time since I've left a comment but if you remember me then you will know that I have been a loyal reader for years along with Fritz. You have remarkable insight on the fundamental problems of our economic system and how that affects our lives through a powerful central government. Over the years I have noticed a cycle of your behavior whereby you have periods of lucidity followed by increased paranoia which leads to a panic attack. Such an attack led to you shutting down your blog this year then restoring it a few days later. Last week I knew you were heading toward a panic attack and it didn't surprise me at all that you took the week off from work. I expected it. FSK, my friend, the truth is you are becoming unraveled man. You always bounce back and I give you the benefit of the doubt. I have given your blog link to friends, acquaintances and people I engage in a conversation with whom I think will find your blog enlightening as I and many of us have. You had some record views this last month or two because you were really writing some good stuff but I worry about the newer viewers who don't know your cycle as I do and therefore may be turned off by your recent posts. A moderate level of paranoia and free-thinking is always good in this often times dangerous world, and there are some legitimately bad people in it, but all 6.2 billion people on this planet are not insane. There are greedy and selfish people in prominent positions of power in this world and there always have been, but most middle-class working people are just trying to survive and make their way through life and many of them may just be duped if they are apathetic or follow government propaganda. Seroquel is a synthetically manufactured anti-psychotic and not a “vitamin”. Its active ingredients are not naturally occurring at all. If you feel happy then I am happy for you but as a friend FSK I’m telling you that you need to take a break for a while. Get into some healthy activities man, I don’t know, go to the gym and walk a few miles on the treadmill a few times a week, get some good healthy exercise and sleep, talk a walk outside, something. Then come back to us and we’ll get back on the issues of the day, finances, the banking system (I saw that Wells Fargo just acquired Wachovia), and government. I know that you get defensive and especially in a heightened state of paranoia you might want to shut down to what I’m saying but remember these things: I am not a psychiatrist, not your parents, not your boss, not a government employee. I am just a regular middle-class guy with a computer job who loves home, family, sweet pretty girls and college football! Lol. Most of all in this context I am just a long-time reader who really does care. Hopefully that means something to you when you read this. Take care of yourself man, seriously.


robert30062 said...

Robert here. It's been a long time since I've left a comment but if you remember me then you will know that I have been a loyal reader for years along with Fritz. You have remarkable insight on the fundamental problems of our economic system and how that affects our lives through a powerful central government. Over the years I have noticed a cycle of your behavior whereby you have periods of lucidity followed by increased paranoia which leads to a panic attack. Such an attack led to you shutting down your blog this year then restoring it a few days later. Last week I knew you were heading toward a panic attack and it didn't surprise me at all that you took the week off from work. I expected it. FSK, my friend, the truth is you are becoming unraveled man. You always bounce back and I give you the benefit of the doubt. I have given your blog link to friends, acquaintances and people I engage in a conversation with whom I think will find your blog enlightening as I and many of us have. You had some record views this last month or two because you were really writing some good stuff but I worry about the newer viewers who don't know your cycle as I do and therefore may be turned off by your recent posts. A moderate level of paranoia and free-thinking is always useful in an often times dangerous world, and there are some legitimately bad people in it, but all 6.2 billion people on this planet are not insane. There are greedy and selfish people in prominent positions of power in this world and there always have been, but most middle-class working people are just trying to survive and make their way through life and many of them may just be duped if they are apathetic or follow government propaganda. Seroquel is a synthetically manufactured anti-psychotic and not a “vitamin”. Its active ingredients are not naturally occurring at all. If you feel happy then I am happy for you but as a friend FSK I’m telling you that you need to take a break for a while. Get into some healthy activities man, I don’t know, go to the gym and walk a few miles on the treadmill a few times a week, get some good healthy exercise and sleep, talk a walk outside, something. Then come back to us and we’ll get back on the issues of the day, finances, the banking system (I saw that Wells Fargo just acquired Wachovia), and government. I know that you get defensive and especially in a heightened state of paranoia you might want to shut down to what I’m saying but remember these things: I am not a psychiatrist, not your parents, not your boss, not a government employee. I am just a regular middle-class guy with a computer job who loves home, family, sweet pretty girls and college football! Lol. Most of all in this context I am just a long-time reader who really does care. Hopefully that means something to you when you read this. Take care of yourself man, seriously.

sid said...

I agree with most comments, especially Robert. It is a good thing that you are cured of your colored blindness.
But that does not make it a vitamin. The blindness could have been psychological. I saw a documentary of someone with multiple personalities. In her 'normal' personalities she needed glasses, in one of her manic personalities she could drive without them! (this fact was not emphasised in the documentary)
I am not saying this is what is happening with you but the hallucinations are worrying.

If you worry about vitamins and don't know a vitamins supplier or food grower you can trust maybe you should grow your own food. Even if you have only a balcony. gives you an idea of what nutrients a plant naturally needs to be nutritious for people and animals.

Anonymous said...

That's interesting. Coincidently, (or not) I have a patient who had documented red-green color confusion his entire life, until in his late fifty's he had a sleep-deprivation psychotic episode and was put on Zyprexa (Seroquel's competitor). Each time he was put on it, he passed every color vision test I had, and each time thereafter without the Zyprexa (after a few weeks) his color disorder returned. Noone I've talked to can explain this occurrence. As V.S.Ramachandran notes, evidence based medicine demands more than one singing pig.

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