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Friday, June 10, 2011

Student Loan SWAT Team Raid

This story was commonly cited. A SWAT team conducted a no-knock raid over an unpaid student loan.

It was amusing to hear the excuses and rationalizations.

It wasn't a local SWAT team. It was Federal police. That doesn't excuse a no-knock raid.

It wasn't an unpaid student loan. The person was accused of student loan fraud. That doesn't excuse a no-knock raid.

Here is a simple explanation. IN A FREE SOCIETY, THERE SHOULD NEVER BE A NO-KNOCK RAID FOR NON-LIFE-THREATENING SITUATIONS. Current State police resort to a no-knock raid for every offense, no matter how trivial.

A no-knock raid is a dangerous situation *CREATED BY THE POLICE*. In the confusion of the raid, the police may think someone is armed and kill them. In the confusion of the raid, the victim's dog may be killed. The victim may confuse the police for criminals, and shoot them or grab a gun.

Many non-crimes are falsely classified as crimes. Therefore, police conduct no-knock raids, lest the victim "destroy evidence".

If a policeman kills you in a no-knock raid, he's absolutely immune from liability. Via this pretext, State thugs can assassinate anyone without trial. They can conduct a no-knock raid, "accidentally" kill you, and then plant a gun on your corpse.

There is no excuse for no-knock raids in a free society. They should only be used when someone's life is already in danger. State comedians say "We have to consider 'officer safety' in no-knock raids." It's a dangerous situation *CREATED BY THE POLICE*. Many innocent behaviors are falsely classified as crimes. Corrupt State judges bend over backwards for the policeman, if he murders someone in a no-knock raid.


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