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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Employer-Paid Lunches

There's one nice perk that I get at my new wage-slave job. My employer buys everyone lunch every day.

The lunch costs an average of $10 per employee per day. My marginal income taxation rate is approximately 50% (including employer-paid taxes like Social Security). In order for me to earn $10 after-taxes, I have to get paid $20. My $10 lunch is the equivalent of $20 of pre-tax income.

My employer also gets to charge the $10 as an expense, further reducing the cost to them.

Instead of spending 30 minutes going out to buy lunch, it's delivered. That leads to more time working. That's a further gain for my employer.

When you consider the effect of taxes, employer-paid lunches are very desirable. It's a tax-free benefit. More employers should do this. My other employers who didn't offer lunch got offended when I suggested the idea.


Anonymous said...

Yes, that is nice.

Pinch penny employers that don't give any gifts like this are mean.

But wouldn't you much prefer a nice walk outside for your lunch. Get a bit of exercise, sunlight and a break from sitting down?

If you have a creative job then maybe your mind could be thinking of how to solve a difficult problem while walking down the street. A little change of scenery might help you.

I was once a wage slave software developer. For one job I never left work until daylight had long since ended. I got home at nighttime not in the evening. One day I saw sunlight. It was a shock.

Anonymous said...

Do you get a choice of menus and options?

Anonymous said...

Three days a week seems like it would give the best of both worlds anon1

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