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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I Added AdBrite

I added an AdBrite banner ad at the top of the page. We'll see how this goes.

It appears that I'm getting either CPM (pay per impression) or CPC (pay per click) ads. I don't appear to get the option to choose one or the other. I'd like to be able to choose CPM only, because I'm annoyed/frustrated with CPC.

AdBrite is non-contextual, so I'm slightly concerned about getting irrelevant or spammy ads. On the other hand, can it really be worse than AdSense?

AdBrite pays me once the total reaches $5, so I'm less likely to get totally screwed. Allegedly, their customer support actually answers problems. I.e., if someone clicks on a bunch of ads, then AdBrite will merely remove those credits, rather than banning me outright.

I'm about ready to remove text-link-ads. I haven't sold any links yet.

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