A few months ago, I got into a debate with Joey from the Freedom Symposium about "Axes of Freedom". Both interpersonal freedom and economic freedom are necessary to attain true freedom. I also emphasized the distinction between theoretical freedom and practical freedom. I'm adding a third type of freedom, which is a free mental state.
I've attained theoretical economic freedom, because I understand "Taxation is theft!" and the merits of a true free market. People have been brainwashed to recite pro-State troll arguments justifying the State. I can now easily recognized these arguments as false, and it's obvious that the pro-State troll is reciting things they were brainwashed to believe, rather than truly understanding.
It's amusing to hear people try to "logically" refute free market economics, but it's obvious they're reciting incoherent gibberish. It's like we're speaking two different languages, and it's completely impossible to communicate.
I have not attained practical economic freedom. I am still pursuing another corporate wage slave job, because that's the most practical alternative. Even if I put up an AdSense widget on my blog, that income will be automatically reported to the State and I will be taxed on that income. I still use slave points as money, because it isn't practical for me to use real money (gold and silver and other metals).
I've attained theoretical interpersonal freedom, because I understand the importance of hanging out with people who aren't pro-State trolls. It's important to find some friends who agree with my core free market principles, and start working towards building a real free market.
There's a limit to how much I can accomplish alone. The "pro-State troll survivalist" mentality says you need to move to a wilderness and become completely self-sufficient in order to be free. That is false. There are legitimate benefits to division of labor. There are a lot of nice conveniences in our modern society. These benefits were generated in spite of the State, although pro-State trolls give credit to the State. For example, the mainstream media is fighting the Internet all they can and are doing all they can to cripple it, but it appears the State has lost the battle against the Internet. The Internet allows individuals to share information in ways that were previously impossible.
Interpersonal freedom is also important for self-confidence. By default, most people say "FSK has problems because FSK is a loser!" That is the wrong attitude. As I attain greater awareness, it paradoxically becomes harder for me to fit into a typical corporate wage slave job. I'm not able to get motivated or excited about a pointless wage slave programmer job anymore, but employers expect you to act like sucking their **** is the most fascinating thing you've ever done. It would be nice to have friends in person (besides those virtual friends on my blog) who recognize my problems are due to a corrupt system where nearly everyone is a brainwashed fool, and not that there's something inherently wrong with me.
If I say "I'm sane and nearly everyone else is crazy!", then most other people will assume the person saying that is insane. However, via Bayesian Reasoning, I'm seriously considering that as a possibility. If you assume that anyone who says "Everyone is else crazy!" is themselves crazy, then a world where everyone is crazy becomes a stable (unstable?) fixed point. It's obvious that the psychiatry/death industry is set up to silence/murder those who gain partial awareness of the problem. The attitudes of my psychiatrists and recent therapist match those I've come to recognize as "The way an evil abusive person behaves."
I've gained an awareness of the importance of true economic freedom and true interpersonal freedom. Unfortunately, this makes it harder for me to find a wage slave job or find new friends. Most people get very frightened when they hear something that contradicts their pro-State brainwashing. That's a key component of the Matrix that keeps everyone enslaved. If everyone were sane, an aversion to radical ideas might make sense, because a random radical idea is probably wrong. When everyone is crazy, radical ideas must be seriously considered, because they may point a way out. Agorism may seem too radical for most people, but from my point of view it's the only rational solution. Once you understand the Strawman Fallacy, you can feel comfortable saying non-mainstream ideas, because one mistake doesn't invalidate all the other stuff you do. Even if you disagree with "Agorism is the best way to solve our society's problems!", that doesn't invalidate my arguments saying "The income tax is immoral!", "The Federal Reserve is immoral!", or "All forms of taxation are theft!".
Another level of freedom separate from economic freedom and interpersonal freedom is mental freedom. A lifetime of brainwashing as a pro-State troll severely cripples your mental freedom. Most people are conditioned to ignore their own interests. Many people say that someone who stands up for their own interests is being evil. If you're in a position to use violence to impose your will on others, then greed can be very damaging. For the average person, there's nothing wrong with looking out for your own interests, provided you aren't hurting anyone else.
When an anarchist talks about the evil State, that is itself a fnord. The Evil State isn't just government itself. It's the evil mental state that allows government to exist in the first place. If people were conditioned to jealously guard their own interests, they would easily realize things like "Why do I have to pay half of my income directly in income taxes!", "Why do I have to pay property taxes (rent) on the house I 'own'?", "Taxation is theft!", "Why are the Federal Reserve and financial industry allowed to steal from me via inflation?", and "Why should a handful of people be allowed to tell me what I may and may not do?"
The evil mental State is so ingrained in everyone's thinking, due to pro-State brainwashing. When I cracked my pro-State brainwashing, I had a panic/manic attack. Hopefully, it's easier for me to explain things to you, rather than figure them out on your own the hard way like I did. I don't know if achieving a free mental state is possible without having a panic/manic attack.
Summarizing, there are three types of freedom that must be achieved. First, there's economic freedom. Second, there's interpersonal freedom, where you're hanging out with friends who share your beliefs. Finally, there's mental freedom, where you've cracked your pro-State brainwashing. It's a positive feedback cycle, as you acquire these. If you have more of one type of freedom, then it's easier to gain the other types. For example, with high mental freedom, it's easy for me to identify freedom-minded individuals, which should lead to economic freedom and interpersonal freedom, eventually.
For now, my actions are severely restricted because I don't know anyone that isn't a thoroughly brainwashed pro-State troll (other than my virtual blogging friends). It appears that I'll have to spend the next few years promoting agorism before switching to practical agorism. So far, I've had no success finding free market trading partners.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The Evil State-Government and the Evil Mental State
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12:00 PM
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Isn't it true that mental freedom leads to all the other kinds of freedoms? Isn't it also true that if a large fraction of the population were mentally free that true political-economic freedom wouldn't be very far behind? And isn't it also true that practicing agorism interferes with activism that would help others become mentally free, by virtue of the fact that it requires doing things in secret? As in, there is a strong individual motivation to hide what you are doing so you don't get caught, vs. openly declaring how things should be and helping people see it.
Given the fundamental importance of mental freedom, and that agorism conflicts with pursuing it in others to the hilt, then isn't agorism itself a fnord?
That,s pretty deep. But I think fnords are in some ways like the strawman falllacy..just because they exist doesn't discredit the message.
Their is also the 100th monkey syndrome of critical mass. when enough minds resonate the same ideas, others pick them up as if by osmosis.
That is the key,and should be our goal.to enlighten enough people that there is a way to live in freedom, be productive with the possibility the transition can unfold in a peace full manner.
The quote below really struck a cord with me, the more I learn about the world the more distant I become from 'the herd' and the less I have in common with them.
Mental freedom starts with knowing that you are free and are only dependent on The One God. Not on creatures who are all impotent, including 'the self'.
"As I attain greater awareness, it paradoxically becomes harder for me to fit into a typical corporate wage slave job. I'm not able to get motivated or excited about a pointless wage slave programmer job anymore, but employers expect you to act like sucking their **** is the most fascinating thing you've ever done. It would be nice to have friends in person (besides those virtual friends on my blog) who recognize my problems are due to a corrupt system where nearly everyone is a brainwashed fool, and not that there's something inherently wrong with me.
If I say "I'm sane and nearly everyone else is crazy!", then most other people will assume the person saying that is insane. However, via Bayesian Reasoning, I'm seriously considering that as a possibility. If you assume that anyone who says "Everyone is else crazy!" is themselves crazy, then a world where everyone is crazy becomes a stable (unstable?) fixed point."
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