Approximately 50% of the people in the USA vote. The State steals about 50% of the productive value of the economy. Approximately 50% of the population is employed, directly or indirectly, by the State. For example, if you work at a corporation that manufactures tanks, you're effectively a State employee even though you don't work directly for the State.
Since 50% of the population is directly employed by the State, voter turnout will probably *NEVER* fall substantially below 50%!
It's wrong to say "voting is immoral". "Voting is pointless" is more accurate. For example, if I *KNEW* that only 10 people were going to vote in the next election, I would definitely try to find 11 sensible people to vote for the government to shut itself down. In practice, that won't occur. All the people who depend on the State for benefits will make sure they vote.
More important than "voting is immoral" is "paying taxes is immoral". The proceeds of taxes are used to injure other people, directly or indirectly. For example, corporate welfare of the financial industry makes it impossible for me to start a free market bank. I would like to start a free market banking business, but the Federal Reserve interest rate subsidy and State regulations make it impractical. When you pay taxes, you prevent me from opening a free market bank.
I consider "Taxation is theft!" to be obvious. Even more important, "Paying taxes is immoral!", because the proceeds are used to hurt other people. When you pay taxes, you're directly contributing to my oppression. In the present, tax resistance is risky, so I understand if you see the gun and pay the tribute. I'm working towards building free market alternatives, so that people can conduct economic activity without paying tribute/taxes.
If 99.99% of the population voluntarily pays taxes, then the bad guys can afford to waste a lot of resources tracking down the remaining 0.01%. If the ratio were 90%/10% or even 99%/1%, then it might become very difficult to raid everyone working in the free market.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Paying Taxes is Immoral!
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If 99.99% of the population voluntarily pays taxes, then the bad guys can afford to waste a lot of resources tracking down the remaining 0.01%. If the ratio were 90%/10% or even 99%/1%, then it might become very difficult to raid everyone working in the free market.
If you have a monetary printing press at your disposal and a corrupt legal system to increase State departments to hound down tax resisters, there is *NO LIMIT* in terms of financial or manpower resources you could use to terrorize everyone, no?
If you have a monetary printing press at your disposal and a corrupt legal system to increase State departments to hound down tax resisters, there is *NO LIMIT* in terms of financial or manpower resources you could use to terrorize everyone, no?
I think that FSK meant that if the top 10% wealthist in the United States refuses to pay taxes (who pays 70% of the taxes while exploiting tax loopholes) the state would collapse due to 70% of missed funds. If there is no taxation, the state can think of other ways such as creating monopolies or sucking on the oil reserves (in the case such as Norway) to fund itself.
I think that FSK meant that if the top 10% wealthist in the United States refuses to pay taxes (who pays 70% of the taxes while exploiting tax loopholes) the state would collapse due to 70% of missed funds. If there is no taxation, the state can think of other ways such as creating monopolies or sucking on the oil reserves (in the case such as Norway) to fund itself.
Again, if you have a monetary printing press, the State can simply print the money in exchange for debt (i.e. Treasury Bills, or government bonds).
Taxation is a ruse. In theory, the State does not have to collect taxes at all. They can simply manufacture debt, bought by the Fed, in return for dollars, and add to the deficit. This would normally cause any nation to collapse.
The only reason that the United States has not collapsed like a third rate banana republic is that the US dollar is still regarded as the worlds' reserve currency.
Am I missing something?
the point that gets missed is that taxes are part of functioning nation state, which is far more than an economic activity. in every community of any size ever examined there has been a form of collective asset usage, controlled by some form of council. People as a group are very slow to act, but when someone is 'in charge' they can be rapid (seems to be from evolution). rapid, 'collective' action = survival. when you get big, the network effect is an n-squared issue... exponentially impossible. so, a small rulling cartel which has access to collective resources tends towards the most efficient and long lasting solution. however, as with all systems, if left to refine over time they tend to conform to a pattern set by the heads of the system... and this corrupts it. government in efficiency is in the voters favour, as it tends away from effective control and can balance the controlling interests.
however, the current system is showing all the signed of too much efficiency (blame IT and better management). This has lead to a corruption towards the ruling cartel.
Government is not immoral. Tax is not immoral. Too much efficiency of government is almost certainly immoral in effect.
Anonymous wrote: Government is not immoral.
Hrpmh. Try telling that to the millions of people that governments have murdered.
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