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Monday, October 3, 2011

"News" = "Advertisements"

I was watching the "news". They had a story on the "X Factor".

Is this news, or is it an advertisement?

In fact, the "news" contains many hidden advertisements for the State, and subtle pro-State brainwashing.

For example, notice the staccato tone of the news speaker. It's a type of hypnosis.


Anonymous said...

This begs an important question, then. If you understand that the news is really just cleverly disguised marketing for the state, and that the psychopaths who run the state are always seeking more and more power, why are you so willing to believe what they have told you about the attacks on 9/11?

Is it cognitive dissonance or something else? I really must know.

FSK said...

"Most of what you see on TV is propaganda." is not the same as "Absolutely every single thing on TV is a lie."

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