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Friday, August 1, 2008

Google Falsely Accused me of Running a Spam Blog

Google falsely accused me of running a spam blog. I requested a manual review and it's OK now. If you have a Blogger account you don't regularly log into, make sure it's OK.

Automated spam blog detection is hard. If blog A has original content and blog B copies blog A, then how do you know write a program that knows if A copied B or B copied A? Since there's a manual review process, the penalty for false positives is negligible. I'm annoyed at the false accusation, but I'm not going to drop my account.


Anonymous said...

I'm dealing with the same thing from a blog I've been working on since 2003. It's this new detection they have going. It comes up with false positives left and right.

Anonymous said...

This is sorta funny. Google's incompetence that is.

There are ways to determine which of A and B is the spam blog, of course, spammers, like street criminals, are always one step ahead of the law (Google).

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